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All you need to know about your WooCommerce integration.
Integrate Your Store
How Do I Connect My WooCommerce Store?
Integrating your WooCommerce store into your Greenspark account is quick and easy and can be done in a few short steps. After completing the sign-up process, log in to your dashboard and click ‘Add Impact’. Click the green 'manage' button next to ‘Integrations & Automations’. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/3fa02643ae649600/screenshot-2024-01-17-at-1
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Set Up Your Triggers
How To Set-up My WooCommerce Triggers?
You can set up your WooCommerce triggers once you have completed the sign-up process and have connected your WooCommerce account to Greenspark. To set up your triggers, do this: Login to your dashboard & click 'Add Impact'. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/3fa02643ae649600/screenshot-2024-01-25-at-15532bab
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What WooCommerce triggers are available?
Our triggers can do different things depending on which integration you have embedded into your Greenspark account. Here’s what each WooCommerce trigger does: Per Order Impact: Adds impact per order/basket. Customers will create one impact no matter how many items they buy at one time. Per Product Impact: Adds impact per item bought. This can be placed on selected pr
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Add Your Badges & Widgets
How Do I Display Badges On My WooCommerce Store?
We have multiple badge styles that can all be found in the Engagement Hub on your dashboard. There are multiple ways to add badges to your WooCommerce store. Code Snippet: For our dynamic, static and round badges, you can add these to your store using individual codes and copying them into your store’s coding. To find this code: Head to the badges and widgets section of your dashboard. Choose the badge you wish to embed into your store At the very bottom of the pop-up window, you wi
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